Sunday, 12 June 2011

Chrome Crawler, HaXe, Three.js, WebGL and 2D Sprites

Had a little free time this weekend so thought I would scratch an itch that has been bugging me for a while.

I started the second version of my Chrome Crawler extension a little while back. I have been using the language HaXe to develop it in. It's a great language and I wanted to explore its JS target a little more so I thought, why not make a chrome extension using it. I have had several emails from various people requesting features for Chrome Crawler so I thought I would extend the extension and rewrite it in HaXe at the same time.

I managed to get the basics of the crawler working a few months back but through lack of time got no further. The second thing I wanted to work on after the basic crawling code was how to represent the crawled data. The current method is simply as a list:


A while back however I recieved a mail from "" who sent me a link to a video he had made using Chrome Crawler and Gephi:



As you can see its pretty cool, visually graphed out as a big node tree.

So it got me thinking, can I replicate this directly in Chrome Crawler? To do this I would need to be able to render thousands of nodes and hopefully have them all moving about in a spring like manner determined by the relationships of the crawled pages.

The first thing I tried was using the HaXe version of the Raphael library. The library is designed for graphing and uses the Canvas with SVG for rendering, so I thought it would be perfect for replicating Gephi. I tested it however and only managed about 300 circles moving and updating at 25FPS:


300 nodes just wasnt going to cut it, I needed more.

Enter the recent HaXe externs for Three.js and its WebGL renderer. Three.js is rapidly becoming the defacto 3D engine for Javascript and takes alot of the headaches away from setting up and rendering to WebGL.

After a little jiggery pokery with the still very new externs I managed to get something running:

Thats 2000 sprites running at 25fps which is less that I would have hoped for WebGL but still probably enough for ChromeCrawler. Im not too sure why the sprites are upside-down, nothing I can do seems to right them, perhaps someone can suggest the solution?

If you have a compatible browser you can check it out here. I have also uploaded the source to its own project if you are interested.

The next step is to take the data from the crawl and then render it as a node graph, exiting stuff!


  1. [...] spent a little more time this weekend looking at some more  HTML5 with HaXe. Following on from my previous experiments with WebGL I decided to give HTML5′s Canvas a a look as it was supposed to be designed specifically for [...]

  2. Hello!

    thank you for your nice example with HaXe and Three.js. I just discovered HaXe and find it really interessting.
    The thing with the upsidedown sprites can be easily resolved in the File ThreeRenderer.hx around line 90.
    You just need to add somthing like node.rotation.z = Math.PI; to rotate the sprite but keep in mind that three.js is using radiants and not degrees.


  3. Great tip thanks SteakDoc
