Sunday, 22 August 2010

Ludum Dare - Hour 40 - COMPLETE!

Okay well its not quite complete, the waves of enemies could do with some more work but I have my mum coming up from London to visit me in 30 mins so im gonna call it quits here.

So, finally it has a name, I have called it "48 Hours Later" :) Its not technically true as I have only had 40 hours to do it, but oh well!

Overall im pretty happy with my first Ludum Dare entry, im very tired right now and have a banging headache, but thats all part of the fun right?

So onto the game. First some shots:

Okay so if you have been following waaaay back my original intention was to make a game with the same sort of art style as World of Goo but with the game mechanics of Boom Stick. I think I have stayed pretty true to that original idea.

Basically you fight against waves of enemies that float across the screen. There are currently only 10 waves, I would have liked more and with more variety but oh well ;)

The theme of the competition was "Enemies as Weapons". I have incorporated that theme by having the enemies drop giblets when they die. You then have a certain amount of time to pick up those giblets and fire them back at the enemies. Enemies as weapons!

So as a disclaimer: im sure the game has many bugs and things, I have run out of time to do much in the way of testing and optimising. If you find any bugs however drop a comment I would love to hear about them as I plan to release this to a few flash portals, so would like to get those bugs fixed ;)

Anyways enough jibber jabber. A few more shots then the game is below:

EDIT: I have now made a youtube gameplay video and timelapse of development, check em here.

Tools Used:
Adobe Photoshop CS5
Adobe Flash Builder 4
Adobe Flash CS5


  1. I like how it remembers what giblets you collected as it fires them back. Nice touch.

    Hmm, so the giblets are only collectible while they're still falling? So the trick is to take them at an angle I guess. Which then becomes a problem because you're not guaranteed 2 giblets will fall on your side. I think I would have liked it better if (1) the giblet didn't go inert immediately, but maybe dried up over time. At least enough time for you to get from the blob you shot overhead to one side or the other of it's giblets and (2) if falling giblets had done damage to enemy blobbies, ala Saotage on the Apple IIe. That way you could chain your kills.

    But a solid entry in 24 hours.

  2. Just discovered I can jump and got caught in the ground. So I had to refresh the page to start again and then got stuck in the ground immediately upon the start of the next game. Not good. That shouldn't happen.

  3. Aye it would be good if I could if I could take more time to improve it abit but I ran out of time, too much spent making the pretty :P

  4. Ack! Its odd as I have never gotten stuck, perhaps its something to do with framerate

  5. maybe. Isn't there some way to check if you're below the ground and "bump" you up out of it so that doesn't ever happen again?

  6. interesting concept :)

    manage to score 109 and finish all 10 waves, but it took me several trys to even get past the first lvl, witch seemed by far the hardest(or was it only before i got used to things?)
    i even manage to score 9 and get Noob status :P

    still, i think you made an interesting game here, i really should join one of these 48h game-dev contests in the future :)

    ps: one thing i noticed was that "gore" parts sometimes bounce from ground, and sometimes got stuck almost instantly, this made things hard to anticipate, was this done deliberately or was the parts always ment to bounce but got stuck?

    and there was the double-jump thingy, but i found that very useful, so i guess it was intentional :)

    neat little game mike, nice work :)

  7. Cheers Limerock :) Im glad you like it mate.

    Ye the double jump was intentional, I just like double jumps, personal preference hehe

    Ye perhaps I should give the player more time to pick up the giblets, but i kinda like the pressure it puts you under to pick them up faster!


  8. I think definatly make more time to collect the giblets. Perhaps they all have one small bounce or put a small half second timer etc on them once they hit the ground?

    Awesome just scored 42 and pretty pleased with that. I am currently developing a platform game over the next two weeks for an assignment and I love seeing games like this! Did u use hitTestPoint as apposed to hitTestObject? I tried that with mine but it tends to throw back alot of errors. Using external actionscript is a mission haha.

    I really love this game. Concepts great and the design is fantastic. if it wasnt for the fact that I am currently making my own game I would play this for hours.


  9. Ye agreed with the giblet die time, you need to be given slightly longer amount of time to go pick them up, it also appears to be affected by framerate, so if you have a lower framerate then they seem to get stuck in the ground. I didnt have time to give it a proper testing on different rigs other than my quad-core desktop machine so there is certainty room for improvement there :)

    Nice score! Ye it can be addictive, im hoping that once the competition is over ill make some changes and launch the game to the rest of the world with more features and enemies and things!

    I look forward to playing your game!
