Friday, 6 August 2010

A Few Site Changes

As im not out tonight I thought I would do a little work on the site.

I have been meaning to add the retweet and facebook buttons for ages. I have also updates the flash header to make it a little prettier :)

What d'you think?


  1. How come the water is moving up and down round the grey spiky blocks and nothing else? How come the ice isn't bobbing up and down in the water? How come there aren't 1000's of ice particles flying all over the place? ;D

    Come on Mike, pull yer finger out lad. :)

  2. Hahaha Lee :P Because I couldnt be arsed to write any code to do it, just ripped the assets out of the games and used them as is. In the game the bobbing up and down was done in code ;)

    As for the particels, well i hope to get a load of particles soon. Stay tuned!
