Saturday, 21 August 2010

Ludum Dare - Hour 17

Okay its been about 6 hours since my last update, and I have been working pretty much solid apart from an hour lunchbreak when I went for a wander into town.

Ive made quite abit of progress with the core bits of the engine including the physics particle systems and the destructible terrain.

Dont believe me? Take a look for yourself:

Theres still no game really, just a pretty tech demo. Im hoping the gameplay will come next :)

Im going to have abit of a break now, get some food wind down a little then its going to be a loooooong night ahead for me!


  1. Wow! This eerily similar to an unseen, unreleased Game Maker game I was working on for the first YoYo Games contest.

  2. Hehehe I didnt copy honest! :D I love this sort of side on destructible terrain game, I have dabbled in the concept before in XNA but never released anything.

  3. xot: Mike was working on a liero style digging game(with a wheel for player) several years back, info here:

    so it seems to me that his inspiration was more from that old project, than anything else :)
