Friday, 12 April 2013

The Three Game Challenge – Part 2 – A Cunning Plan


Another week, another game completed as part of my three prototype games challenge (part one, part three) I set myself at the start of this month.

For this one I decided on a type of game that I have been wanting to make for a while, a turn based strategy game. Many moons ago I used to play a J2ME (shudder) game called Ancient Empires. It was a great little game with lots of depth and replayabliltiy and I think it deserved a remake of sorts.

So here is "A Cunning Plan":

screenshot_16 screenshot_13
screenshot_14 screenshot_15

You can play the game here:

Play A Cunning Plan

This game was far more complex to create than Latesha's Crib and hence I spent about 43 hours over the last 9 days making this one.

I was able to save some time by reusing parts of the rendering and hopping logic from Latesha's Crib. As usual I used the  Ash Framework with Adobe Starling and Feathers. To code the AI for the computer player I used Tim Conkling's Excellent Godmode Behaviour Trees library which is truly an excellent AS3 library. The way Behaviour Trees work is really cool, I strongly recommend checking them out if you are going to design any sort of AI.

Special thanks go to Mike Rigby for helping with play testing and Ian Callaghan for suggesting I check out Behaviour Trees :)

Let me know what you think of it, if people are feeling it then I may turn it into a full-blown mobile game!

Again I recorded the my time spent making this one, heres the log:

4th April
9:30am - 2pm
3pm - 7pm

5th April
9:30am - 10:30am

6th April
12:00pm - 4pm (-1 for josh, -1 for lunch & spanish)

7th April
2pm - 19:30pm

8th April
1pm - 3:30pm (-1 spanish and lunch)
4pm - 6pm

9th April
3pm - 7pm

10th April
12pm - 7pm

11th April
9am - 10am
1pm - 6pm;

12th April
10am - 1:30pm

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