Friday, 26 June 2009

BlastWave 2 Development Update

We are still working on BlastWave 2. Over the last 4 days or so we have progressed quite far:


As can be seen by the screeny we have added many of the characters (tho they need some touching up still) and have added some scenery elements. On the code side I have been playing around with the physics provided by Box2D.

The screenshot doesnt give a full impression but Oliver and I are getting excited about how nice this looks and feels when you are flinging the objects all over the place.

Expect more updates over the coming days / weeks.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

New Mix: Artificial - Intelligence


Finally, finally I have decided to say sod it and stop tinkering with this god damn mix! I have been making and remaking this thing for the best part of a year but I can still see the rough edges. Its been driving me quite literally mad! Having said that however I have enjoyed making it, else I wouldn't do it... right?

Anyway the idea was to have a two part mix, a more downtempo one and this one (coming soon). I have tried to tell a story with this mix, using both samples from a certain famous movie and through the track selection and progression. I have gone for a deeper darker sound than my usual harmonics light and easy to listen to sound. I dont imagine this one will be as popular with most people but I hope some will enjoy it!

Artificial - Intelligence by mike.cann

Intelligence by Artificial on Mixcloud

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Fare-The-Well GameJacket!


As it has now been posted on the GameJacket Support site I guess its okay for me to announce too that GameJacket finished trading on the 8th while I was away in Canada.

I have had an excellent time at the little start-up and have learnt alot about both technical aspects of the web but also about how a small business works and functions. Its sad to see GJ go as it had so much promise in the early days. Without the funding for expansion however we were never going to be able to compete with the multi-million pound Mochi Ads.

On the last day before I took off on my trip we all had a little farewell party in the office. A little wine tasting and some cheese and crackers. The pictures and a video are on my Picassa, but here are a couple:

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Nova Scotia in 10 Days


Yarr' me old sea dogs. I have just returned from a grand voyage to the eastern Canadian territories known as Nova Scotia. There myself and me old sea cappin' red beard rum went-a-hiking and campin' around the Maritimes.

And here be the tale of me epic journeyYARR!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

8hour Game Timelapse Development Video

As promised here is the time-lapse sequence for the development process of my 8hr game “Countdown with Neil Haversham“. The video is comprised of 789 JPGs taken every 30 seconds then compressed into a movie.

The whole process was fun if not a little stressful, but overall good :)

8hour Game: Countdown with Neil Haversham

1 Programmer, 1 Artist, 8hours, surely nothing of any quality can be made in that time? Well there you would be wrong because Michael Cann ( and Oliver Pitceathly ( present to you "Countdown with Neil Haversham":