Tuesday, 4 January 2011

PostToTumblr's 1,628th User Celebration

To celebrate the 1,628th user of my Chrome extension PostToTumblr I have just uploaded a new version that adds a requested feature.

The new feature allows the user to post to multiple Tumblr blogs.

Once specified in the options you are now presented with a sub-menu when posting images allowing you to choose your alternative blogs or just the default blog:

Important to note is that you are only presented this sub-menu if you have specified alternative blogs in the options.

Chrome should auto-update the extension for you soon!


  1. Nice :) Two enthusiastic thumbs up!

  2. only thing it needed was the source embedding.
    And it still needs it.

  3. Hi Hjacker,

    I have replied on the extension page but there seems to be a problem with the Tumblr API, I have mailed them and am now waiting for a reply.

    Cheers for your patience!

  4. really nice extension! cheers

  5. Just as a follow-up, I have had a reply from Tumblr and they tell me that the source tag isnt available in their API but they are continually adding new things to the API and to check back soon *shrug*

  6. [...] in Javascript on my Chrome extensions PostToTumblr and ChromeCrawler I have gained a better understanding of how JS works and how to code in it. [...]

  7. [...] I cant believe how well my humble little extension for the chrome browser is doing. 8000 users when just a few months ago I was celebrating 1.5k. [...]
