Friday, 29 August 2008


Normally when i post a big number like that its followed by the word "particles" but surprisingly this time it followed by the word "views". Why? Well i have (probably a few days ago now) broken my 1 million plays cherry on 4 flash games.

To be fair the majority of these have come from my latest game IcySlicy (670k and counting), but im still pretty proud of the number. Im hoping my next game will do over a million by itself, but then again it could just get two plays :P

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Icy Slicy

Well after weeks and weeks of having the game all but finished i have finally sorted out the sponsorship, ironed out the bugs (most of them) and sorted all the artwork. The game is now released and ready to be sliced up by critics on the internet.

Anyways onto the game; The object of the game is simple. Several silly critters and their things have gotten frozen inĂ‚  the ice and they need your help to cut them out. Using your mouse slice off chunks of ice in this exciting physics based game!

Monday, 11 August 2008

My Workspace

Continuing on from the previous post i thought i would just quickly post a picture of my new workspace at Dubit :)