Wednesday, 11 June 2008

FlashDevelop, Preloaders and GameJacket

This is a clone of the post i made on the GameJacket developer forums here: but i think it deserves a re-post here so it can be googled :)

 As i had quite abit of trouble getting GameJacket to fit into my work flow properly and have no finally managed it I have decided to share my experiences and write a tutorial.

So this is a tutorial for using FlashDevelop with the Flex Complier to build a game with a pre-loader that passes the GameJacket security checks.

Friday, 6 June 2008

Blast Out

Well here is my next flash based offering...

Its called blast out and the idea is its a modern day version of Break Out. You have to bounce the ball around (which you may recognise from Blast Wave ;)) and destroy the terrain to release the particles. You can collect the particles by holding the left mouse to attract them down to your paddle.

This is actually a much smaller version than the "full" game that i wrote. I originally intended to allow users to make thier own levels in-game which they could then share with others. Unfortunately however flash doesnt allow cross-domain file sharing so i had to cut all that beautiful WORKING code out at the last minute :(

Oh well, i think whats left is still pretty good, hope you enjoy it too!

Oh P.S. if you want to help me out head over to the Newgrounds site and vote me a 5 :D