Sunday, 18 May 2008

My Flat!

Well i have now found a new job at a company called Dubit in Leeds, it looks to be an excellent company, looking forward to working there.

But it also means that i have to go flat hunting again and I have to leave this excellent flat behind :( To help Michelle out with finding a replacement for me i have decided to resurrect this video to show others.

So if you are interested in this flat smack bang in the centre of Mancheter then send either me ( or Michelle ( an email.


Thursday, 1 May 2008

A lil AS3 Performance Testing

While i have been thinking about what im going to work on for my next flash game i have decided to look abit into whether doing destructible landscapes is now feasible with the new (ish) bitmap abilities.

Because of my earlier work on destructible landscapes on LieroXNA i know where the potential performance bottlenecks lie.

One of these is the reading of the pixel data to perform collision checks. This has to be quick as all the objects must check each frame to see if they collide with the terrain and potentially more than one "lookup" must happen to do this (pixel perfect collisions).