Sunday, 30 September 2007

LieroXNA - Improvements and Additions

Been a while since I have posted about LieroXNA but I havent been doing nothing. Changes and things:

+ Added a destroyed layer to the game which is just the initial map but darker.
+ Added a shadow to the foreground to give it a more 3D appearence.
+ Added an indestructable layer, so that maps can have abit of structure even after a long battle.
+ Added the ability to zoom in and out. This was a big one and took most of last weekend to sort out.
+ Added player spawning.
+ Added the ability to control the player with the 360 controller.
+ Started to add other gameplay features such as player jumps, crosshair, weapon switching things and others.

Anyways you can see all these new features in action in the video below. Again, you can download a higher quality one if you wish: [download#1]



  1. I like this. It brings me joy.

  2. Although I'm out of releasing liero-like games now - I still like seeing them. The amount of particles with gravity effects and repulsion from explosions are impressive.

    The things I found hard when writing a liero sequel/clone was handling the worm travelling smoothly over rough terrain in a way that looks like you're in contact with the ground and don't get stuck on it or frustrated with inclines slowing you down too much.

    The other big thing that fans brought me into doing was redesigning the engine to allow easy modding and creating of their own weapons through text-file settings. That was great fun and I hope you do that too with this.

    Nice work so far! Good graphics as well. Good luck, when you release a demo let us know on the GA forums. I'd like to try it.

  3. Note to self: read earlier entries before posting

  4. Hi Skip,

    Yes im finding that out at the moment that having the player follow the terrain is particularly difficult. Luckily i have some experience with this having worked on worms for the mobile:

    Unfortunately on that the worm wasnt represented with a bounding box, rather it was limited to a single point collision for simplicity. In this game however we need bounding boxes for realism, this makes the problem much more tricky. As you said its quite a tough problem to solve tho i will solve it eventually ;)

    I will let you know when I have something playable.

