Sunday, 9 September 2007

Liero + 200,000 Particles

Been workin on this abit this weekend and managed to intergrate my earlier work on GPU particles with the game to create some nice effects. See the video below to see thousands of particles being blown in many different directions.


  1. This looks awesome! Thats a ton of particles :)

  2. cheers ziggy, it needs more work but ye it doesnt half look impressive at the moment. I just hope the technology will work on the xbox too :P

  3. Yes, Vertex Textures work on the Xbox360 too

  4. ye, i thought they did even though its an ATi GPU chip?!! Nice blog BTW :P

  5. Thanks ;)

    Knowing that the Xbox GPU was made by ATI made me skeptical about VTF support before I tried it myself. But gladly, the support is there :)
