Thursday, 21 July 2011

FlashDevelop Obsidian Dark Theme For HaXe


Just a quick update this evening.

In an effort to to reduce some of the symptoms of eye strain I have been suffering from recently I decided to change the theme of FlashDevelop4 to something a little darker and easier on the eyes.

I took inspiration from the excellent Obsidian theme on the Eclipse Color Themes website.

Im still yet decided if it helps atall, tho I must admit I do like my IDE a little more colorful :)

I have uploaded the theme for download here:



Once downloaded just double click it to install, then restart FD, simples!

After posting the theme to the HaXe mailing list several people linked the themes they use, so if you are interested there's more themes here.


  1. Nice, I quite liked that. I had to change the current line colour and font, but otherwise it's pleasing on the eye for sure.

  2. Ye, I have modified it a little since my post. FD4 makes it so easy to change the theme its really not hard to roll your own changes ;)

  3. OMG thank you. I thought I was getting sleepy at work, but its really that my eyes were getting strained.  This helps so much.

  4. Hi Michael!
    The link seems to be dead, could you update it, please?

  5. Cheers for pointing that out, fixed now :)
