Monday, 11 January 2010

Playdemic - My First Day

Well I had mentioned this in a previous post but I thought I might as well add a separate post for it as its quite a big bit of personal news.

Today was my first day at my new job in Wilmslow (20 mins south of manchester) with a new startup named Playdemic.

I cant say what exactly it is im going to be doing yet but it will be Flash related as usual ;)

I will say however, that I am very excited however about the work and the working environment, im eager to get cracking!


  1. Hi Mike,

    I was wondering if you could possibly help me? I actually live just down the road from Playdemic and noticed not long ago that they were looking for Testers. However i couldnt find a jobs email address to send my application, so i am wondering if you know the person i should be emailing about job enquires? I have over 2 years Games testing experience working on all formats and i have a degree in computer games development. I also program in my spare time am release the games i make on multiple formats.

    Any help or advice you can give me would be very helpful.

    Many thanks


  2. Hi dean,

    Could you direct your question to our office manager

    She should be able to help you out a little better.


  3. [...] Join an exciting new company making cutting edge games with Starboy? How could I refuse… [...]
