Saturday, 24 November 2007

Artificial - Future Harmonics

Its been quite some time indeed since i have released a mix so i decided to make another one. This one is a culmination of several weeks work and im pretty proud of it.

Its hard to describe which genre this mix falls into, as the name suggests i was going for a harmonics style mix but with a more edgey, IDM type feel to it, not sure if i succeeded, but oh well.

Didnt manage to fit all the tracks i wanted into this one so they may be a simmilar mix on the way in the near future :)

Future Harmonics by Artificial on Mixcloud


  1. [...] the track selection and progression. I have gone for a deeper darker sound than my usual harmonics light and easy to listen to sound. I dont imagine this one will be as popular with most people but I hope [...]
