Monday, 23 April 2007

ChainReaction (Part2) - Video Tutorials

Okay i have now completed a couple of video tutorials for ChainReaction. They should also give a little more info on what ChainReaction is!



Chain Reaction Tutorial 2 from mike cann on Vimeo.


  1. [...] always need something to be working on in my free time. All this year it has been my University projects that have been keeping me busy. But now all i have left is one exam I have been seeking a new [...]

  2. [...] To spice it up abit I decided to add docking panels. I had worked with docking panels before for my ChainReaction project in Java but hadnt done one in C# before. A quick search on sourceforge came up with [...]

  3. [...] have produced video tutorials explaining how to use these in conjunction with each other. However you must understand this is [...]

  4. [...] have produced video tutorials explaining how to use these in conjunction with each other. However you must understand this is [...]
