Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Harmony, HTML5 Procedural Drawing

Wow! Although this is doable in flash I must say im pretty impressed with this little HTML5 app by MrDoob called Harmony.

Basically its just a little drawing app. I bet there are some people out there that could do some amazing things with this! As it is, im a programmer and no artist, but there is definately a certain beauty to some of the doodles that can be easily made in this thing:

I call this one rainbow circles:

(click for full-size)

And this one maze:

(click for full-size)

Anyways, I would love to see some creations from proper artists. Make your own here -> http://mrdoob.com/projects/harmony and drop me a comment with yours!

1 comment:

  1. [...] as you can probably tell from my last few posts, I have been loving the simple browser drawing app called Harmony. Well, while playing [...]
