Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Back From America - Photos + Videos

Hello All!

Yes im now back from the good old U.S. of A. Had an awsome time, many exciting things seen many exciting things done and many interesting people met.

Best sight of the trip: Hard to say, everything was pretty damn amazing but if I absolutely had to single out one memorable event it must be camping out under the stars in the navajo homelands.

Craziest sight of the trip: Seeing a bloke with no legs front-flip out of his wheelchair..

Anyways, I have so many pictures and videos I had to buy an upgrade for my picassa account. But this upgrade now means I can upload videos to picassa, yey!

Go check out the photos on my picassa account HERE. Some highlights include:

Also check some of the videos HERE.


  1. hey mike!

    Your pictures are really great. was glad someone posted some cos i had an error on my memory card which wasnt helpful, so at least i could see some good pictures..thanks! hows it going being back at work/home? i have a week left of holiday then bck to school. was great meeting you and travelling around. chat soon
    jen x

  2. I didn't know there was a black guy on our trip, when did he sneak on? x

  3. Hi Jen!

    Ouch that realy sucks, loosing all your photos! I want to see everyones still, only helen has shown me a few of her's so far. Being back is umm.. well its okay, i do miss all you guys tho! Hope you have a good term at school and stay in touch :D

    And kelly, what are you talkin about? All i can say is: http://picasaweb.google.com/mike.cann/AmericaPhotos07/photo#5100909338242119778


  4. Your pic's n vid's are awesome!!! Happy Days now looking forward to planning the next adventure, keep monkeying around :)

    Missing everyone, stay in touch.

    Jo x
