Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Graduation Part One

Just got a letter through the post confirming the date for my graduation from Uni.

Also at the same time I received a letter informing that I received an award for "Best Overall Performance on the Final Year of the Computer Games Programming Course" which is probably the longest name for an award in history but im still proud :D

Jump to part two after the 26th November to see photos of the ceremony!

Thursday, 25 October 2007


Well i bought my new shiny PC two weeks ago a nice quad core Q6000 machine with an nVidia 8800GTX. All was good and nice, progress on liero was flying along. The machine didnt even flinch at 1,000,000 particles, i conservatively estimate its capable of 5,000,000 at 30FPS.  But just the other day it broke down, no reason, no warning, the mobo just went put. It turns on, the lights come on but it doesnt do anything, doesnt even get to the bios screen, nothing.

Whats odd about this is the fact that my backup PC (some crappy little machine i have lying around and have been using as a media PC recently) broke on the same day, with the same problem! It too wont get to the bios screen even tho it turns on and the fans work.

Anyways, the long of the short is, i sent my new PC back on Tuesday, hopefully, if they are quick it will be back tomorrow and I can resume work on LieroXNA. It annoying as i was really starting to make progress with getting it working on the 360! Stay tuned for a video of this once i get my PC back up and running.

In the meantime here is a link to a litte something my work mate pete is working on:

Friday, 19 October 2007

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Zero Punctuation - Halo3

Abit old now i know but when this made the rounds at the office last week it had me practically wetting myself:



Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Wordpress 2.3

Well I decided it was about that time again to take the plunge and upgrade Wordpress to the latest version as my spam filter had stopped working for some reason.

It went okay however there were some problems such as the fact that the way i have been embedding videos from other websites such as youtube seems to mess up the formatting of the site. I tried about 100 different things to fix it including deleting my entire website and then reinstalling! Well I still havent got the embedding sorted but atleast the website formatting is back to normal now.

Oh I changed the skin too, to this very sexy one by MangoOrange™.